Ava Jane and Ella Kay

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Random recent Ella pics

Random recent Ava pics

Guess which one is which

Below are two pics of Ava, and two of Ella. Could they look anymore alike? Guess which one is which:

Monday, September 03, 2007

Friday, July 21, 2006

An Old Picture of Me

That Grandma Meta sent - it is just too cute not to share!

Picking Flowers

Grandma Meta took some great pictures of me picking flowers in her pasture. Here are some samples...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ms. Personality

My personality has really been shining through. Whenever I meet new people, I am not scared of them per se but am not "warm" to then either. I generally stare at someone new, and it will take me about 10 to 15 minutes to get used to them being there, after which I am fine.

That is for situations where I am being introduced. In other, more group-oriented situations, I am more willing to be outgoing. For instance, when we go to the store and I ride in the cart (which I really enjoy) I wave and loudly yell "hi," "hi people," or, if I see other kids, "hi kids." It is pretty cute if I say so myself.

Another example was today, my mom took me to a children's museum in Bellevue. When other kids would approach with something in their hand, I would yell at them "Share!" Although I was nervous when these kids would approach me, I am was not willing to let them walk away with toys without at least asserting myself. Yea me!

Another aspect to my personality is how I like to stack things. I've done this for a long time. Where some kids prefer chaos, I will take my toys, mom and dad's pots and pans, Grandma Meta's spoons and teas - whatever - and make piles. For instance, I often will empty my mom and dad's tupperware drawer in the kitchen, and transport all the tupperware to the coffee table in the family room. Why? Why not is what I say. Making different piles is a fun way to organize and see what different things are.

Monday, July 10, 2006

What a difference a year makes!

Dad thinks I'm getting to be such a big girl (sniffle sniffle from dad)....

June 2005

Vs. June 2006

C'mon Dad!

Dad has not been doing a good job updating. This is especially worrisome to me because I am changing so much every day. I can do a bunch of things now. I count to eleven (although I often skip eight just to see if anyone is listening). I can climb out of my crib (which mom and dad are worried about). I sing. I go down slides on my own. I am working on my ABCs. And I am starting to say more and more phrases. It's amazing how much I've learned in the past few weeks. The last few days I have some new molars coming in, however, so that has made me kind of grumpy. I've demanded to sleep with mom and dad and wake up at 5. I don't know why that is a problem, but apparently mom and dad think it is. Anyway, here's some recent pics to let everyone know how I'm looking these days...which of course is fabulous!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Some Pics From About a Month Ago

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What a Week!

Well, there is so much to tell everyone about I guess I'll begin one week ago Friday. On that day, my grandpa Scott and grandma 'Shell took me to the zoo. I had a great time, and I especially liked the hippo. After I we were done at the zoo, I helped grandma in the garden. I was pretty happy doing that as well.

The next day my aunt Kerry graduated from college. Although I didn't get to go to the ceramony, as you can tell from the picure above left, I am very proud of her!

This weekend was exciting as well. I was so excited for mother's day. My dad and I made my mom a stepping stone with my foot inprint on it. But dad didn't understand that I REALLY did not want my foot to touch the wet concretel, so when he tried to press it in I had to (naturally) freak out and cry and kick. So that didn't go so well - but I know my mom appreciated the thought anyway.

My dad made breakfast and took it over to my gamma's house (my dad's mom insists on being called that instead of grandma Linette - I don't know why). I had a good time over there - my gamma took me to the swings which is always very fun.

I of course spent lots of time playing with my mommy, which is of course the best! And after spending time at gamma's, we went to Beaver Lake Park to enjoy the sunshine. Riley really wanted to jump into the water, but dad wouldn't let him because dad said you were suppose to let dogs off the leash at this park (which I think is just silly). Nevertheless, I wasn't interested in going in the lake, or walking for that matter, either. Instead, I was very content being pulled around in my wagon. It was great! I liked it so much in fact that whenever we stopped I immediately asked for "more" by saying "more" repeatedly and pressing my finger into my palm (my baby sign way of saying more). If we didn't get going again immediately, I started to get a tad frustrated, as you can see above right.