Ava Jane and Ella Kay

Thursday, March 30, 2006

More words (sort of)

Please (pronounced "pweez")
All gone (pronounced "al go")

BTW - today I am at a farm with my Grandma Meta looking at all the animials (including my favorite - the horse!)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Words Vol II


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Trip to the Swings

Luckily, there is a trail right from my house to a nearby park with swings. I love when mommy and daddy take me on walks there. I will usually start by walking...

But then I get tired of that, and want to be carried...

Once I get up (by saying "up up up") with either mommy...

Or daddy...

I am pretty satisfied. But of course, the main reason for our outing (aside from looking a ducks) is to go on the swings and the slide. Normally I am thrilled by this, but normally I have the entire set to myself. This time, however, there was another todler at the swing next to me. This didn't seem right, and I had to give him a careful inspection as I was swinging along...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

More Words


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Tooth Fairy Better Be Worth It

Last night I had a tough night, as was the night before. I cried and cried and woke up about every hour. Even when my mom and dad put me in their bed (with me inbetween them and Riley guarding the bottom portion of the bed) I still woke up, which is unusaul. Today I was putting my hand in my mouth a lot to show them that my teeth hurt. Finally they got the message and gave my some Tylenol, which made me feel a lot better. And, best of all, after the pain medication kicked in, I got to take a bath. yeaaahhhh!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bath Time!

I love taking baths. I have lots of toys to play with, and I love to splash and kick the water. I don't like may hair and face getting wet however. I put up with it just so I can continue to play. After I have been in awhile, mom or dad often ask me if I am "all done." I almost always reply with a firm shake of my head and a "no." Regardless, when I get out my mom wraps me in my favorite towel, and as you can see I don't mind that one bit.

Jive Talkin'

For posterity, it is probably worth noting the words I can say now. This list is by my dad (mom tends to include words that dad disputes). Here is what I can say these days:

no (my favorite)

I am also very good at sounds of animals and other baby signs, but of course those are hard for me to demonstrate over the Internet. But all in all, not a bad list I think!

Run Run Run

One of favorite things to do now is run away and have my mommy or daddy chase me. As they pick me up I giggle and giggle knowing that I have been caught - it is so much fun!

Another fun thing I did was walk to the park with Riley today to go play on the swings and the play equipment. That is one of my favorites as well, although I did not want to leave. When we are walking over to the swings near our house I like to look at the ponds to see if I see any ducks. If I do, I immediately shoult "duuucckk" in a very happy voice.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Knife Ran Away with the Spoon

This morning I got up and ate Rasin Bran out of a bowl. I am getting better and better at using a spoon and a fork (as you can see). Sometimes, however, I have a little trouble...

Visit from Natalie

Last night my mom and dad's friend's Megan and Chad Ellman came over. They brought their daughter Natalie (left). It was fund to play with her, although I spent most of my time dancing and showing off to my favorite Elmo Jukebox.

One funny thing I did was imitate Natalie. You see, Natalie can only crawl, so when I noticed everyone was paying attention to Natalie (as oppossed to my dancing, which I could not understand) I decided that if I started crawling around too maybe I would have everyone look at me. So I did just that! I haven't crawled in a very long time but I did it this time to get the attention I so richly deserved.

Paging Dr. Freud...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Pictures are a comin'!

FINALLY, my dad was able to get this working. As you can see, I am full of sass.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Socks, Sue's Socks...

Today, as my dad was putting on my socks, I said something very close to "socks." At least my dad thinks so anyway.

I am trying to work on getting pictures up here, but my dad's email is not working from home. Once he fixes it, I will be happy to show you all recent pictures of me.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hi, This is Ava Jane, welcome to my new blog. My Aunt Casey told my dad how to do this, so be sure to check in frequently to see how he does!