Ava Jane and Ella Kay

Sunday, April 09, 2006

What a day!

Yesterday was a big day for me. The words I am using now are coming more frequently, and dad is giving up on identifying each one. Nevertheless, yesterday, for the first time, I said my name! I pronounce it "ahhva" instead of "ava," but that is close enough. Also, I said my dog's name, which I pronounce "whiley" instead of "riley." But two family members identified in one day! I am very proud of myself. So proud, in fact, that when I woke up this morning I just lied in my crib saying "whiley whiley" over and over until mom eventually came and got me. It is my new favorite word!


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Wyatt said...

Ava I love that your parents keep your blog updated. You look like you are always having a ton of fun. Rogan can't wait to spend more time with you this summer.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Wyatt said...

Ava, I hope you enjoy saying words. I feel that words cannot fully expres my genius yet, so I'm waiting.


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