Ava Jane and Ella Kay

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What's New

A lot has been going on over the past month. I had a cold for about a week, but now I seem fully over that. I am constantly immitating my dad and mom - every word they say I at least try to say it back, which is fun. I have also learned a few phrases, like "I love you" (prounounced "I wuv woo"). I still love to dance and read, as well as look at myself in the mirror and make funny faces. Mom and dad think it is extra cute when that happens.

A few weeks ago, I went to Eastern Washington to my great-grandma Velma's house for Easter. We had a great time. I got to look at owls in my grandma's barn, and Riley got to go on long hikes with Grandpa Jeff through the country.

My mom hid an easter basket for me, but I found it pretty easily. I was pretty impressed with the things in it (books and candy and such), but I couldn't quite understand why exciting things wouldn't continue coming out. I had to empty it upside down to make sure I got all the neccesary loot.


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